career management, career transition, career coaching, coaching, leadership coaching, wellness

We believe that everyone deserves a fulfilling career and so our purpose is clear - to support career success by helping individuals and organisations to be at their best. ALCHEMY is the tradition focused on converting raw materials into precious me…

We believe that everyone deserves a fulfilling career and so our purpose is clear - to support career success by helping individuals and organisations to be at their best. ALCHEMY is the tradition focused on converting raw materials into precious metals and as such, this represents a metaphor for our purpose.


ALCHEMY was founded on a set of principles that guide everything that we do and define what we stand for.

  • Everyone deserves full support

  • A focus on wellness to be at our best

  • There is no substitute for the power of 1:1 personal relationships

  • Understanding the neurology that drives our thinking, our emotions and our behaviour

  • Measuring the impact and outcomes of what we do



outcomes LIVE

 We are defined by the outcomes that our clients achieve. We keep these updated monthly as a live record of impact.


Over 80% of ALCHEMY projects are referred and repeated so the client experience is our life blood.  Have a look at what a few clients have to say.


We can't do all this alone, and we don't want to. ALCHEMY partner's with incredible organisations to provide our clients with a community of support.