Leadership development: are you tipping your money down the drain?

Leadership development programs can be a significant investment eating into a good chunk of an HR budget, so how do you ensure that this is money well spent?

Last year McKinsey surveyed over 510 executives from across the globe and published the success rate of their leadership development programs. These programs were mapped to specific actions taken and their success rate.

Upskilling managers in leadership fundamentals is ‘on trend’ at present. Not only are we seeing more investment in one on one coaching but leadership programs are much sought after.  Being business psychologist, an evidenced based approach to what we do is all important and we know for HR to have a seat at the executive table, measurement and metrics must underpin HR strategy and programs.

McKinsey’s findings are built into ALCHEMY’s 4D project management methodology. As such, we partner with our accounts on these activities to boost the success rate of our projects together and the impact that we have on an individual and organisational level.

Click here for further information on McKinsey’s research and how we utilize it for success.

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Are you the dysfunctional team member?

In the last couple of days there has been quite a focus in the media on the best start-up businesses to work for. The first thing that popped into my mind was “I wonder how the heads of these businesses are doing as leaders?”. Starts ups are challenging on a number of levels. Exciting as a new product or service comes to the market with great passion backed by generally highly intelligent and driven individuals BUT also frequently a lack of leadership skills. We’ve seen a few high profile entrepreneurs exhibiting interesting behaviours of late. As a business grows it becomes less about the individual and more about the team. Great leaders surround themselves with great people and harness the collective wisdom.

As business psychologists we often see dysfunctional behaviour in young businesses through no major fault of anyone’s. Lack of experience and development plus pace of business leads to ‘winging it’. It’s not always young businesses either. We see dysfunction in larger and/or mature businesses where senior managers put their functional team needs above those of the leadership team that they belong to. Patrick Lencioni’s ‘The Five Dysfunctions of a Team’ captures this brilliantly.

Click through to find out about ALCHEMY Group Coaching

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